Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Busy Weeks & Beautiful Bathrooms

The last week has been a very busy one, from training the puppy to walk on her lead without merely looking at me somewhat confused at the concept, to valentines day and a lovely evening out with the whole family to celebrate the occasion. Yes, it has been very hectic to say the least and we are off to France on Friday to go skiing. With sorting everything out for the holiday (washing one million pairs of ski socks, hats and gloves) I have not had much time to write a post this week (excuses!). So instead I give to you some great images I have seen this week (a bit of a cheat I know). I promise I will write a proper post when I return next week but for now I hope you enjoy these fantastic and elegant bathroom designs.  


  1. Thanks Tami, I really like the rustic feel of that bathroom, great to have some natural tones in the home. :)
